Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Users Summary

State Name : West Bengal (19) District Name : Dinajpur Uttar (311)


Please Note that all type of registered users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 116 116 116 10
District Users 1 1 1 0
Chopra (2878) 9 9 9 1
Goalpokhar-I (2880) 16 16 16 3
Goalpokhar Ii (2879) 13 13 13 0
Hemtabad (2881) 6 6 6 1
Islampur (2882) 15 15 15 0
Itahar (2883) 14 14 14 1
Kaliaganj (2884) 9 9 9 1
Karandighi (2885) 18 18 18 3
Raiganj (2886) 15 15 15 0
Please Note that registered Development Block users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 10 10 10 2
Chopra (2878) 1 1 1 0
Goalpokhar-I (2880) 1 1 1 1
Goalpokhar Ii (2879) 1 1 1 0
Hemtabad (2881) 1 1 1 0
Islampur (2882) 2 2 2 0
Itahar (2883) 1 1 1 0
Kaliaganj (2884) 1 1 1 0
Karandighi (2885) 1 1 1 1
Raiganj (2886) 1 1 1 0
Please Note that registered Gram Panchayat users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 105 105 105 8
Chopra (2878) 8 8 8 1
Goalpokhar-I (2880) 15 15 15 2
Goalpokhar Ii (2879) 12 12 12 0
Hemtabad (2881) 5 5 5 1
Islampur (2882) 13 13 13 0
Itahar (2883) 13 13 13 1
Kaliaganj (2884) 8 8 8 1
Karandighi (2885) 17 17 17 2
Raiganj (2886) 14 14 14 0