Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Users Summary

State Name : Gujarat (24) District Name : Banas Kantha (441)


Please Note that all type of registered users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 902 902 902 37
District Users 2 2 2 0
Amirgadh (4079) 31 31 31 1
Bhabhar (4080) 42 42 42 2
Danta (4081) 61 61 61 1
Dantivada (4082) 43 43 43 4
Deesa (4083) 108 108 108 3
Deodar (4084) 64 64 64 2
Dhanera (4085) 61 61 61 2
Kankrej (4086) 88 88 88 2
Lakhani (7119) 42 42 42 0
Palanpur (4087) 103 103 103 8
Suigam (7135) 41 41 41 1
Tharad (4088) 63 63 63 2
Vadgam (4089) 95 95 95 6
Vav (4090) 58 58 58 3
Please Note that registered Development Block users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 23 23 23 2
Amirgadh (4079) 3 3 3 1
Bhabhar (4080) 2 2 2 0
Danta (4081) 2 2 2 0
Dantivada (4082) 1 1 1 0
Deesa (4083) 2 2 2 0
Deodar (4084) 1 1 1 0
Dhanera (4085) 1 1 1 0
Kankrej (4086) 1 1 1 0
Lakhani (7119) 2 2 2 0
Palanpur (4087) 3 3 3 0
Suigam (7135) 1 1 1 0
Tharad (4088) 1 1 1 0
Vadgam (4089) 2 2 2 1
Vav (4090) 1 1 1 0
Please Note that registered Gram Panchayat users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 877 877 877 35
Amirgadh (4079) 28 28 28 0
Bhabhar (4080) 40 40 40 2
Danta (4081) 59 59 59 1
Dantivada (4082) 42 42 42 4
Deesa (4083) 106 106 106 3
Deodar (4084) 63 63 63 2
Dhanera (4085) 60 60 60 2
Kankrej (4086) 87 87 87 2
Lakhani (7119) 40 40 40 0
Palanpur (4087) 100 100 100 8
Suigam (7135) 40 40 40 1
Tharad (4088) 62 62 62 2
Vadgam (4089) 93 93 93 5
Vav (4090) 57 57 57 3