Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Users Summary

State Name : Maharashtra (27) District Name : Parbhani (489)


Please Note that all type of registered users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 800 800 800 29
District Users 2 2 2 0
Gangakhed (4502) 102 102 102 2
Jintur (4503) 154 154 154 0
Manwat (4504) 60 60 60 2
Palam (4505) 69 69 69 2
Parbhani (4506) 137 137 137 4
Pathri (4507) 52 52 52 0
Purna (4508) 87 87 87 18
Sailu (4509) 89 89 89 0
Sonpeth (4510) 48 48 48 1
Please Note that registered Development Block users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 10 10 10 2
Gangakhed (4502) 1 1 1 0
Jintur (4503) 1 1 1 0
Manwat (4504) 2 2 2 0
Palam (4505) 1 1 1 1
Parbhani (4506) 1 1 1 1
Pathri (4507) 1 1 1 0
Purna (4508) 1 1 1 0
Sailu (4509) 1 1 1 0
Sonpeth (4510) 1 1 1 0
Please Note that registered Gram Panchayat users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 788 788 788 27
Gangakhed (4502) 101 101 101 2
Jintur (4503) 153 153 153 0
Manwat (4504) 58 58 58 2
Palam (4505) 68 68 68 1
Parbhani (4506) 136 136 136 3
Pathri (4507) 51 51 51 0
Purna (4508) 86 86 86 18
Sailu (4509) 88 88 88 0
Sonpeth (4510) 47 47 47 1