Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Users Summary

State Name : Maharashtra (27) District Name : Sangli (493)


Please Note that all type of registered users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 750 750 750 25
District Users 1 1 1 0
Atpadi (4549) 68 68 68 6
Jath (4550) 129 129 129 4
Kadegaon (4551) 55 55 55 1
Kavathemahankal (4552) 61 61 61 2
Khanapur-Vita (4553) 76 76 76 1
Miraj (4554) 72 72 72 6
Palus (4555) 35 35 35 0
Shirala (4556) 76 76 76 2
Tasgaon (4557) 72 72 72 2
Valva-Islampur (4558) 105 105 105 1
Please Note that registered Development Block users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 12 12 12 2
Atpadi (4549) 2 2 2 0
Jath (4550) 2 2 2 0
Kadegaon (4551) 1 1 1 0
Kavathemahankal (4552) 1 1 1 1
Khanapur-Vita (4553) 1 1 1 0
Miraj (4554) 1 1 1 1
Palus (4555) 1 1 1 0
Shirala (4556) 1 1 1 0
Tasgaon (4557) 1 1 1 0
Valva-Islampur (4558) 1 1 1 0
Please Note that registered Gram Panchayat users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 737 737 737 23
Atpadi (4549) 66 66 66 6
Jath (4550) 127 127 127 4
Kadegaon (4551) 54 54 54 1
Kavathemahankal (4552) 60 60 60 1
Khanapur-Vita (4553) 75 75 75 1
Miraj (4554) 71 71 71 5
Palus (4555) 34 34 34 0
Shirala (4556) 75 75 75 2
Tasgaon (4557) 71 71 71 2
Valva-Islampur (4558) 104 104 104 1