Khadi, Village And Cottage Industries
State Name: JHARKHAND (20) District Name: KHUNTI (606)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of HHDs engaged
in Bee keeping
No. of HHDs engaged
in Sericulture
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handloom
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handicrafts
Total Male Female
District Total 758 601415 276835 274679 128126 35 159 122 170
ARKI (3218) 128 99382 43943 44476 20449 2 0 24 32
KARRA (3224) 178 137245 66549 66081 27903 3 0 61 25
KHUNTI (3225) 148 104317 48572 47203 30566 15 5 11 17
MURHU (3228) 141 93570 46473 45142 20465 7 145 23 58
RANIA (3231) 67 46198 20700 21542 9341 7 9 3 13
TORPA (3236) 96 120703 50598 50235 19402 1 0 0 25