Recreation & Sports
State Name: TAMIL NADU (33) District Name: NAGAPATTINAM (579)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
Availability of recreational
centre/Sports Playground etc.
Whether the
village has
children park
with required
Total Male Female Indoor Outdoor both None
District Total 233 699114 296515 309704 189641 49 41 24 119 26
KEELAIYUR (6228) 29 153004 46643 49731 27158 4 10 1 14 1
KILVELUR (6229) 42 97108 42179 42965 23420 10 5 3 24 5
NAGAPPATTINAM (6233) 35 138914 55924 62381 34872 10 5 7 13 6
THALANAYAR (6236) 31 70408 33691 34426 23648 4 9 2 16 3
THIRUMARUGAL (6237) 53 94986 47213 47114 29570 15 5 4 29 3
VEDARANYAM (6238) 43 144694 70865 73087 50973 6 7 7 23 8