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Composite Index of Gram Panchayat
State : ODISHA (21) >> District : BHADRAK (348) >> Block : BHADRAK (3323)
Gram Panchayat Name Z Score Composite
Health and Nutrition Social Security Agriculture & Livelihood Good Governance Water Management and Efficiency
Proportion of
children fully
immunized (0-6
Proportion of
pregnant women
receiving ICDS
Proportion of
lactating mothers
receiving ICDS
Proportion of women who
delivered babies
in the hospital
Proportion of
young anemic
children out of
the total children
Proportion of
low birth
weight of
at birth
Proportion of
not having
sanitary latrine
Proportion of
eligible beneficiaries
Pradhan Mantri Matru
Vandana Yojana
Proportion of
households registered
under Aayushman
Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
Proportion of
eligible households
receiving food
from Fair Price
Shop under NFSA
No of farmers
covered under
Pradhan Mantri Kisan
Pension Yojana
Proportion of
farmers supported under
Pradhan Mantri Fasal
Bima Yojana
Proportion of
farmers adopted
organic farming
Proportion of
farmers using
soil health cards
Proportion of
elected representatives
oriented under
6 months of holding office under
Rashtriya Gram
Swaraj Abhiyan
Proportion of
elected representatives undergone
refresher training within 2
years of holding office
under Rashtriya Gram
Swaraj Abhiyan
Proportion of
expenditure on NRM
and water related
Proportion of
Area covered under micro
irrigation (sprinkler, drip)
to the total irrigated area
Proportion of
households having
piped water connection
AMBOROLI (116613) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.34 0.23 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.32 0.16 0.11 0.04 0.15 0.15 0.60 0.25 0.00 0.515336
ANDHEIPALLI (116614) 0.95 0.52 0.71 0.48 0.71 0.44 0.99 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.83 0.67 0.39 0.17 0.00 0.514239
ARNAPAL (116615) 1.00 0.84 1.00 0.84 0.19 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.77 0.00 0.33 0.468765
BAHUDARADA (116616) 0.69 0.17 0.97 0.92 0.40 0.83 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.00 0.78 0.49 0.27 1.00 1.00 0.28 1.00 0.00 0.577884
BANDHAGAN (116617) 1.00 0.52 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.93 0.44 1.00 0.00 0.68 0.13 0.16 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.34 0.443648
BANITIA (116618) 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.70 0.42 0.37 0.02 1.00 0.22 0.22 0.71 0.02 0.674783
BAUDPUR (275218) 0.84 0.12 0.96 0.11 0.72 1.00 0.87 0.72 0.79 0.86 0.65 0.48 0.29 0.47 0.50 0.79 0.07 0.25 0.03 0.553603
BENIA (116619) 0.67 0.68 1.00 0.74 0.70 0.30 0.99 0.00 0.87 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.495998
BENTAL (116620) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.02 1.00 0.64 0.00 0.21 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.36 0.498417
BERHAMOPUR (116621) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.58 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.02 0.290658
BETARA (116622) 0.46 0.63 0.57 0.58 0.18 0.30 0.98 0.83 0.75 0.40 0.46 0.23 0.09 0.13 0.24 0.14 0.79 0.11 0.04 0.417767
BISHNUPURSINGHA (116623) 0.89 0.92 1.00 0.80 0.29 0.98 0.73 1.00 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.78 0.78 0.35 0.06 0.36 0.599638
CHANDIGAN (116624) 0.96 0.36 1.00 0.43 0.16 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.43 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.37 0.11 0.16 0.356379
CHARAMPA (116625) 1.00 1.00 0.89 0.10 1.00 0.88 0.65 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.23 0.55 0.00 0.11 0.479536
DALSING (116626) 0.91 0.07 0.46 0.10 0.00 0.83 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.87 0.09 0.290083
ERADA (116627) 1.00 0.69 1.00 0.94 0.11 0.83 0.99 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.04 0.426765
EREIN (116628) 0.72 0.09 0.92 0.79 0.20 0.99 0.56 0.83 0.19 0.92 0.80 0.34 0.01 0.06 0.77 0.77 0.96 0.27 0.04 0.538872
GEITUA (116629) 0.65 0.88 0.82 0.69 0.16 0.94 0.91 0.93 0.40 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.55 0.09 0.00 0.482805
GELPUR (116630) 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.10 1.00 0.60 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.02 0.01 0.285598
GORAMATI (275219) 0.67 0.44 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.19 0.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.37 0.04 0.651442
GUJIDARADA (116631) 0.72 0.08 0.97 0.80 0.40 0.98 0.99 0.83 0.14 0.51 0.96 0.35 0.31 0.07 1.00 1.00 0.45 0.20 0.07 0.569628
Haripur (275217) 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.36 0.40 1.00 0.83 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.70 0.40 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.41 0.12 0.00 0.435609
JAGADALPUR (116632) 0.99 0.31 0.89 0.33 0.10 0.97 0.93 0.31 1.00 1.00 0.27 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.70 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.506391
KALEI (116633) 0.94 0.82 1.00 0.94 0.44 0.77 0.99 0.75 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.60 0.20 0.51 0.09 0.00 0.531616
KAUPUR (116634) 0.60 0.08 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.15 1.00 0.71 1.00 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.23 0.63 0.03 0.04 0.378340
KENDARPUR (116635) 0.74 0.89 0.95 0.17 0.50 0.98 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.77 0.26 0.17 0.376529
KHANDATADA (116636) 0.84 0.60 0.80 0.60 0.42 0.82 1.00 0.63 0.52 0.17 0.58 0.15 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.427762
KODABARUAN (275222) 0.57 0.41 0.40 0.45 0.07 0.80 0.86 0.31 0.64 0.40 0.20 0.35 0.26 0.01 0.19 0.00 0.68 0.13 0.06 0.356990
KORKORA (116637) 0.17 0.30 1.00 0.26 0.73 0.92 0.91 0.79 0.27 0.43 0.16 0.29 0.01 0.01 0.36 0.41 0.93 0.26 0.00 0.432001
OLANGA (116638) 0.90 1.00 0.71 0.71 0.00 0.14 0.99 0.82 0.42 0.71 0.18 0.70 0.37 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.39 0.04 0.585223
PARASINGA (275224) 0.63 0.89 0.53 0.56 0.23 0.57 0.57 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.40 0.80 0.06 0.04 1.00 1.00 0.37 0.45 0.07 0.585567
RAHANJA (116639) 0.86 0.09 0.98 0.46 0.40 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.29 0.06 0.30 0.03 0.02 1.00 0.08 0.48 0.18 0.01 0.484752
RAMBHILA (116640) 0.98 0.42 1.00 0.53 0.09 0.74 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.09 1.00 0.21 0.12 0.14 0.68 0.72 0.20 0.06 0.00 0.524001
RANDIA (116641) 1.00 0.81 1.00 0.81 0.00 0.86 1.00 0.80 1.00 0.08 0.86 0.36 0.25 0.12 0.67 0.67 0.63 1.00 0.02 0.628709
SABARANG (116642) 0.73 0.08 0.98 0.81 0.40 0.98 0.78 0.72 0.09 0.46 0.53 0.33 0.16 0.06 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.55 0.04 0.529224
SAHADA (116643) 0.73 0.97 1.00 0.92 0.85 1.00 0.96 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.47 0.01 0.519077