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Mission Antyodaya Daily Upload Progress
Last updated on : 20/09/2021 02:54 PM
State Name Total
GPs Uploaded
in Previous
Current Phase (Survey 2020)
Survey Status GPs where
GS validated
copies uploaded
Total GPs where
Current Phase - Total
GPs Uploaded in Survey
GPs Uploaded in Survey
Current Phase (Survey Status)- Total
Current Phase (Survey Status)- Downloaded
and Not
Current Phase (Survey Status)- Downloaded
and Partially
Current Phase (Survey Status)- Total GPs
Where Survey
Current Phase (GPs where GS validated copies uploaded) Total Current Phase (GPs where GS validated copies uploaded) Accepted Current Phase (GPs where GS validated copies uploaded) Rejected Current Phase (GPs where Geo-Referencing completed) Total Current Phase (GPs where Geo-Referencing completed) Accepted Current Phase (GPs where Geo-Referencing completed) Rejected
Total 735 7201 269942 667933 247910 265031 267898 258 435 267205 266372 266107 16 164918 145869 859 266117
Andaman And Nicobar Islands (35) 3 9 70 361 70 69 70 0 0 70 70 70 0 70 70 0 70
Andhra Pradesh (28) 13 668 13371 20256 12904 13058 13370 0 0 13370 13367 13367 0 12329 10339 28 13368
Arunachal Pradesh (12) 25 114 2106 5798 1673 1467 2016 22 20 1974 1942 1882 4 294 255 1 1868
Assam (18) 33 242 2722 27342 2649 2370 2692 1 66 2625 2617 2615 1 2478 2424 23 2612
Bihar (10) 38 534 8387 45821 7239 8378 8387 0 1 8386 8386 8385 1 1354 817 35 8384
Chandigarh (4) 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh (22) 28 146 11664 20321 10968 11593 11664 0 0 11664 11664 11664 0 2741 2332 32 11664
Delhi (7) 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Goa (30) 2 12 191 403 193 191 191 0 0 191 191 191 0 15 12 2 191
Gujarat (24) 33 250 14269 18828 14293 13994 14230 26 93 14111 14092 14090 0 3641 2802 48 14086
Haryana (6) 22 142 6237 7468 5722 6197 6237 0 0 6237 6237 6237 0 6198 6070 0 6237
Himachal Pradesh (2) 12 81 3663 22627 3233 3213 3259 4 13 3242 3240 3240 0 1998 1756 18 3239
Jammu And Kashmir (1) 20 280 4283 7365 4227 4209 4212 25 8 4179 4016 3949 0 762 499 2 3915
Jharkhand (20) 24 264 4364 32804 3795 4175 4361 2 0 4359 4358 4357 1 11 4 1 4357
Karnataka (29) 30 227 6151 33429 6012 6018 6043 27 22 5994 5982 5981 0 2965 1762 38 5986
Kerala (32) 14 152 941 1594 939 941 941 0 0 941 941 941 0 941 941 0 940
Ladakh (37) 2 31 193 267 190 183 193 0 2 191 189 188 0 151 124 1 187
Lakshadweep (31) 1 5 5 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh (23) 52 313 22793 55472 22716 22751 22789 6 72 22711 22704 22697 0 9527 7741 106 22698
Maharashtra (27) 36 351 27894 43746 27862 27876 27890 0 6 27884 27882 27882 0 22265 19293 142 27882
Manipur (14) 16 70 3192 3724 1527 2848 3092 5 8 3079 3036 3029 0 1885 1801 13 3027
Meghalaya (17) 11 46 6751 6758 4117 6151 6251 111 2 6138 5667 5567 5 3995 3595 50 5630
Mizoram (15) 11 26 834 864 655 805 834 0 0 834 834 834 0 834 834 0 834
Nagaland (13) 11 74 1262 1262 1141 1233 1259 2 0 1257 1252 1249 2 745 607 15 1249
Odisha (21) 30 314 6806 50275 3762 6651 6798 0 17 6781 6780 6780 0 881 654 4 6778
Puducherry (34) 4 3 108 139 40 100 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Punjab (3) 22 152 13290 14856 12804 13193 13284 2 11 13271 13266 13265 0 7865 7118 1 13264
Rajasthan (8) 33 353 11367 46558 9841 11030 11345 4 31 11310 11301 11301 0 1634 930 20 11294
Sikkim (11) 4 32 186 447 185 185 186 0 0 186 186 186 0 186 178 7 186
Tamil Nadu (33) 38 403 12842 18082 12543 12510 12558 1 16 12541 12534 12533 0 8776 7804 59 12533
Telangana (36) 33 577 12769 15832 7295 12761 12769 0 0 12769 12768 12768 0 5932 4845 50 12769
The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu (38) 3 3 38 102 35 38 38 0 0 38 38 38 0 38 38 0 38
Tripura (16) 8 59 1305 1784 1204 1137 1190 9 0 1181 1181 1180 0 1094 1067 5 1180
Uttarakhand (5) 13 97 7798 16026 7601 7782 7794 3 0 7791 7791 7791 0 7501 7385 17 7791
Uttar Pradesh (9) 75 827 58728 106167 57243 58701 58719 3 39 58677 58639 58630 1 52936 49079 121 58641
West Bengal (19) 23 344 3362 41150 3210 3223 3233 2 8 3223 3221 3220 1 2876 2693 20 3219
Please note : "Total GPs" represent the number of GPs as per the latest LGD data whereas "GPs Uploaded in Previous Phase" is the count of GPs uploaded as per last updated LGD status for previous phase.