Khadi, Village And Cottage Industries
State Name: GUJARAT (24) District Name: ARVALLI (672)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of HHDs engaged
in Bee keeping
No. of HHDs engaged
in Sericulture
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handloom
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handicrafts
Total Male Female
District Total 682 1148307 547141 504198 283063 11 30 50 214
BAYAD (4219) 123 203415 106258 94894 51899 5 22 3 25
BHILODA (4220) 146 257114 126361 121452 76642 6 0 0 0
DHANSURA (4221) 78 121456 62572 56400 27919 0 0 0 128
MALPUR (4225) 100 112936 58332 52566 23313 0 0 5 5
MEGHRAJ (4226) 130 272956 103611 95931 50998 0 8 30 2
MODASA (4227) 105 180430 90007 82955 52292 0 0 12 54