State Name: RAJASTHAN (8) District Name: SIKAR (114)
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed | Population | Total Household | No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof | No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House | No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes | |||
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned |
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed | Population | Total Household | No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof | No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House | No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes | |||
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned | |||||
District Total | 1204 | 2726960 | 1333184 | 1168409 | 585415 | 30061 | 21673 | 16683 | 25709 |
AJEETGARH (7469) | 67 | 197102 | 91764 | 77582 | 31650 | 1348 | 1332 | 905 | 1412 |
DANTA RAMGARH (773) | 147 | 266147 | 136820 | 122184 | 70066 | 6428 | 1967 | 1345 | 1956 |
DHOD (774) | 122 | 301008 | 149628 | 137148 | 61876 | 5451 | 2220 | 1603 | 2717 |
FATEHPUR (775) | 127 | 231543 | 112717 | 103593 | 44410 | 2121 | 3535 | 2800 | 2527 |
KHANDELA (776) | 156 | 285734 | 145267 | 128056 | 81814 | 1598 | 811 | 393 | 1012 |
LACHHMANGARH (777) | 109 | 204771 | 106365 | 95351 | 48153 | 4211 | 3626 | 3312 | 4246 |
NECHWA (7470) | 65 | 122378 | 61912 | 58711 | 33861 | 3436 | 1324 | 1382 | 1213 |
NEEM KA THANA (778) | 84 | 289728 | 132547 | 104103 | 59222 | 1610 | 1767 | 1396 | 1988 |
PALSANA (7471) | 99 | 234656 | 100091 | 87700 | 26179 | 1446 | 1377 | 1152 | 783 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries