State Name: KARNATAKA (29) District Name: MYSURU (545)
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed | Population | Total Household | No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof | No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House | No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes | |||
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned |
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed | Population | Total Household | No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof | No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House | No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes | |||
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned | |||||
District Total | 1312 | 1979008 | 944359 | 913687 | 474121 | 86072 | 31687 | 28001 | 56713 |
HEGGADADEVANKOTE (5886) | 175 | 188664 | 90919 | 85228 | 44790 | 9898 | 4746 | 3084 | 7826 |
HUNSUR (5887) | 214 | 256766 | 128502 | 123386 | 61262 | 13090 | 3848 | 3586 | 8358 |
KRISHNARAJANAGARA (5888) | 75 | 95922 | 48673 | 46365 | 27405 | 4665 | 1767 | 1869 | 4440 |
MYSURU (5889) | 125 | 267791 | 134337 | 128346 | 61240 | 6194 | 2215 | 2634 | 2794 |
NANJANGUD (5890) | 188 | 429096 | 179194 | 179107 | 102116 | 18254 | 5143 | 4265 | 6686 |
PIRIYAPATNA (5891) | 191 | 225045 | 110735 | 110712 | 53215 | 12154 | 4285 | 3418 | 7360 |
TIRUMAKUDAL-NARSIPUR (5892) | 133 | 294936 | 139388 | 133501 | 65382 | 9833 | 5333 | 4687 | 10659 |
SARAGURU (7413) | 107 | 85938 | 44058 | 41178 | 22146 | 5124 | 2000 | 2136 | 4823 |
SALIGRAMA (7500) | 104 | 134850 | 68553 | 65864 | 36565 | 6860 | 2350 | 2322 | 3767 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries