State Name: MADHYA PRADESH (23) District Name: SINGRAULI (638)
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed |
Population | Total Household |
No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof |
No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House |
No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes |
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned | |||||
District Total | 723 | 1297873 | 668299 | 612130 | 292735 | 122342 | 86884 | 72811 | 47003 |
CHITRANGI (4019) | 311 | 510461 | 261271 | 240569 | 111550 | 52361 | 40628 | 32708 | 26743 |
DEVSAR (4020) | 204 | 364604 | 188442 | 170014 | 83618 | 36830 | 28022 | 24289 | 10635 |
BAIDHAN (4026) | 208 | 422808 | 218586 | 201547 | 97567 | 33151 | 18234 | 15814 | 9625 |