Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Total GPs
GPs Completed
Total Villages
Villages Completed
"In 2017 and 2018, the Gram Panchayat (GP) scoring was done on 46 parameters. In 2019, the number of parameters used for scoring have been increased to 112 to cover all the 29 subjects transferred to the GP as per the 11th schedule of the Constitution. Therefore, the GP scores of 2019 may not be comparable with GP scores of 2017 or 2018."
"Rural sanitation coverage has seen rapid progress under the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen), and the ODF status shown here is likely to be dated. For up to date information, please visit sbm.gov.in".
For arriving at any conclusion user is advised also to look at programme specific data on respective website.
Scoring Pattern
State-wise Average Score
Irrigated Area (% of GPs)
  • Gram Panchayat(s) where MA survey completed
  • Gram Panchayat(s) where Gram Sabha Scheduled

March 2020

  • Adopted in Union Budget 2017-18, Mission Antyodaya is a convergence and accountability framework aiming to bring optimum use and management of resources allocated by 27 Ministries/ Department of the Government of India under various programmes for the development of rural areas. It is envisaged as state-led initiative with Gram Panchayats as focal points of convergence efforts.
  • Annual survey in Gram Panchayats across the country is an important aspect of Mission Antyodaya framework. It is carried out coterminous with the People’s Plan Campaign (PPC) of Ministry of Panchayat Raj and its’ purpose is to lend support to the process of participatory planning for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP).
  • Annual survey in Gram Panchayats across the country is an important aspect of Mission Antyodaya framework. Data on 29 transferred subjects at GP-level are collected through the Survey and are used for generating GP-wise ranking and Gap Reports. While the ranking exercise would provide some understanding over the relative success of convergent planning at GP-level, the Gap Reports serves as critical inputs for the GPDP planning.
  • The basic unit of the Survey is GPs/ villages. Survey data on various development indicators are used for ranking GPs/ villages. The questionnaires designed for Mission Antyodaya survey are classified as Part A and Part B. Part A deals primarily with the availability of the infrastructures under 29 subjects mentioned in the 11th schedule of the Constitution. Whereas Part B deals with the services availed by the rural poor under sectors like health, nutrition, social security, water management and efficiency for a decent living.
  • Data on Part A questions are ordinal in nature, while data on Part B are quantitative. Scores/ marks are given to answers to each question in Part A and are aggregated to arrive at an overall score for each GP/ Village. The data on Part B is used to calculate a composite index for each GP, as announced in the Budget Speech (FY2017-18; para 33).