Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Users Summary

State Name : Uttar Pradesh (9) District Name : Kushi Nagar (160)


Please Note that all type of registered users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 787 787 787 25
District Users 1 1 1 0
Dudhahi (1309) 63 63 63 0
Fazilnagar (1310) 74 74 74 2
Hata (1311) 52 52 52 1
Kaptainganj (1312) 51 51 51 4
Kasaya (1313) 21 21 21 2
Khadda (1314) 66 66 66 4
Motichak (1315) 56 56 56 2
Nebua Naurangia (1316) 54 54 54 4
Padrauna (1317) 99 99 99 2
Ramkola (1318) 37 37 37 1
Seorahi (1319) 24 24 24 1
Sukrauli (1320) 68 68 68 1
Tamkuhiraj (1321) 85 85 85 1
Vishunpura (1322) 36 36 36 0
Please Note that registered Development Block users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 21 21 21 3
Dudhahi (1309) 1 1 1 0
Fazilnagar (1310) 2 2 2 0
Hata (1311) 3 3 3 0
Kaptainganj (1312) 1 1 1 0
Kasaya (1313) 1 1 1 0
Khadda (1314) 1 1 1 0
Motichak (1315) 1 1 1 0
Nebua Naurangia (1316) 2 2 2 2
Padrauna (1317) 1 1 1 0
Ramkola (1318) 1 1 1 0
Seorahi (1319) 1 1 1 0
Sukrauli (1320) 3 3 3 1
Tamkuhiraj (1321) 1 1 1 0
Vishunpura (1322) 2 2 2 0
Please Note that registered Gram Panchayat users will be displayed Block-wise here.
Developmment Block Name Registered Users Approved Users Mobile Verified Users Email Verified Users
Total 765 765 765 22
Dudhahi (1309) 62 62 62 0
Fazilnagar (1310) 72 72 72 2
Hata (1311) 49 49 49 1
Kaptainganj (1312) 50 50 50 4
Kasaya (1313) 20 20 20 2
Khadda (1314) 65 65 65 4
Motichak (1315) 55 55 55 2
Nebua Naurangia (1316) 52 52 52 2
Padrauna (1317) 98 98 98 2
Ramkola (1318) 36 36 36 1
Seorahi (1319) 23 23 23 1
Sukrauli (1320) 65 65 65 0
Tamkuhiraj (1321) 84 84 84 1
Vishunpura (1322) 34 34 34 0