Latest Updates Mission Antyodaya survey for 2019 has been completed and data for 98 % GPs (2,65,031) has been collected .

Mission Antyodata Daily Upload Progress

State : Maharashtra (27) >> District : Hingoli (477)


Developmment Block Name Total
Current Phase
Total GPs Downloaded Total GPs in Progress Total GPs Completed Total GPs Verified
Downloaded and
not started
Downloaded and
Partially Uploaded
Total 563 707 563 0 0 563 563
Aundha Nagnath (4391) 101 120 101 0 0 101 101
Basmat (4392) 119 152 119 0 0 119 119
Hingoli (4393) 111 153 111 0 0 111 111
Kalamnuri (4394) 125 151 125 0 0 125 125
Sengaon (4395) 107 131 107 0 0 107 107