Agriculture and Land Development, Fuel and Fodder
State Name: UTTAR PRADESH (9) District Name: KUSHI NAGAR (160)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of HHDs
in the village
receiving benefits
under Pradhan Mantri
Krishi Samman Nidhi
Availability of government seed centre
within the revenue boundary of the village
Whether this
village is part
of the
Availability of
Rain Water
Check Dam etc.
Does the village has any Farmers
Collective under the Govt. scheme
Availability of warehouse
for food grain storage in village
Availability of
facilities in
Does the village
have access to
Custom Hiring
Availability of
soil testing centre in village
Availability of
fertilizer shop in village
of Common
in village
Total No. of
farmers registered
under Pradhan Mantri
Kisan Pension
Yojana (PMKPY)
Total No. of
farmers received
benefit under
Pradhan Mantri
Kisan Pension
Yojana (PMKPY)
No of HHDs
received benefits
under Pradhan
Mantri Fasal
Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
in the FY 2021-22
No of HHDs
in the village
practicing organic
farming currently.
No. of HHDs
in the village
received soil
health card during
the last financial
year (2021-22)
Main Source of irrigation
of the village
No. of HHDs
using drip
Total area
covered under
(In Hectare)
Total Male Female Available < 1 Km. 1-2 Km. 2-5 Km. 5-10 Km. > 10 Km. Farmers Produce
Primary Agriculture
Cooperative Society
Both None Available < 1 Km. 1-2 Km. 2-5 Km. 5-10 Km. > 10 Km. Available < 1 Km. 1-2 Km. 2-5 Km. 5-10 Km. > 10 Km. Available < 1 Km. 1-2 Km. 2-5 Km. 5-10 Km. > 10 Km. Canal Surface water Ground water Other
District Total 1442 3999955 2036473 1780678 686897 389591 99 34 140 498 429 242 410 662 31 98 33 1280 144 17 94 399 400 388 102 42 24 6 24 216 395 777 289 36 181 517 307 112 220 204301 165427 48825 26181 9282 354 40 825 223 11771 47919
DUDHAHI (1309) 89 338287 179465 157989 62990 36136 1 1 9 34 35 9 19 35 0 5 1 83 3 2 7 32 29 16 2 0 0 0 0 8 26 55 7 1 10 37 29 5 10 17897 16562 5031 1959 664 10 0 66 13 219 2126
FAZILNAGAR (1310) 117 254567 130994 121577 39392 24354 9 2 23 29 34 20 26 73 0 2 4 111 7 1 15 41 29 24 14 1 3 0 2 15 35 62 15 2 23 39 29 9 34 12299 9553 2299 1489 753 29 0 71 17 1885 4757
HATA (1311) 73 170151 87948 79059 26393 16449 5 1 7 23 24 13 10 31 2 2 2 67 5 0 7 15 25 21 3 2 0 1 1 8 20 43 14 1 6 26 17 9 10 8277 7044 2687 167 203 20 1 38 14 106 5515
KAPTAINGANJ (1312) 95 251107 132552 116970 47690 31980 10 6 8 33 30 8 21 75 4 5 2 84 12 3 11 32 16 21 10 8 3 0 2 20 17 53 35 3 16 32 8 1 13 12428 10619 3536 1787 858 25 2 49 19 230 5808
KASAYA (1313) 21 120463 64154 56209 20607 11484 1 0 2 5 6 7 3 13 2 0 0 19 0 0 0 3 7 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 5 0 3 7 6 0 3 3033 1434 937 16 5 4 0 16 1 2 7
KHADDA (1314) 133 293551 159118 128502 60357 25050 8 1 9 41 40 34 18 38 1 11 3 118 11 1 4 34 36 47 7 2 1 0 2 32 31 67 30 4 14 32 34 19 21 14877 12509 5967 5672 300 10 4 81 38 1940 5086
MOTICHAK (1315) 77 242094 115467 97390 45373 25582 7 1 10 27 29 3 4 44 0 9 0 68 6 1 4 20 27 19 5 1 1 1 1 5 29 40 12 1 9 34 18 3 10 10746 7798 578 409 114 50 0 14 13 479 1648
NEBUA NAURANGIA (1316) 115 284744 151040 133541 47348 31270 3 4 12 51 25 20 13 56 3 11 1 100 9 1 12 32 25 36 2 0 0 1 6 13 14 81 31 1 23 41 12 7 13 18396 15810 1189 1383 198 28 6 77 4 128 1635
PADRAUNA (1317) 150 393925 207101 179307 64024 34623 13 5 14 64 34 20 20 75 1 22 10 117 18 1 7 40 49 35 21 13 9 1 2 31 55 52 38 3 20 58 25 6 24 15970 12887 4078 1653 1483 40 3 94 13 3312 9734
RAMKOLA (1318) 49 238743 126743 107164 41225 23970 8 0 3 13 22 3 8 28 1 4 2 42 11 0 0 10 18 10 3 1 0 0 0 4 12 33 12 2 5 12 13 5 7 19000 16085 6903 4128 1751 10 2 34 3 246 2500
SEORAHI (1319) 131 427162 223067 193798 63546 34927 4 6 4 34 32 51 8 18 0 5 0 126 15 2 8 24 21 61 1 2 0 1 0 12 25 93 17 7 8 46 33 20 13 16106 12538 4694 2437 667 11 17 72 31 133 579
SUKRAULI (1320) 92 319993 109804 99534 45210 22648 9 1 18 36 22 6 11 51 15 5 2 70 9 2 8 31 30 12 10 5 1 1 4 20 29 37 25 2 11 35 15 4 17 16565 12788 3756 1924 446 26 3 52 11 949 3464
TAMKUHIRAJ (1321) 156 326801 173839 150372 61350 37787 13 5 17 67 42 12 24 63 2 7 3 144 24 2 9 58 40 23 16 3 3 0 4 39 49 61 28 2 22 72 28 4 26 23153 18988 5047 861 554 51 0 82 23 1267 3224
VISHUNPURA (1322) 144 338367 175181 159266 61392 33331 8 1 4 41 54 36 20 62 0 10 3 131 14 1 2 27 48 52 8 4 3 0 0 9 46 86 20 7 11 46 40 20 19 15554 10812 2123 2296 1286 40 2 79 23 875 1836