Khadi, Village And Cottage Industries
State Name: MADHYA PRADESH (23) District Name: BHIND (395)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of HHDs engaged
in Bee keeping
No. of HHDs engaged
in Sericulture
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handloom
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handicrafts
Total Male Female
District Total 897 1684663 881580 719790 272815 212 73 130 403
ATER (3771) 179 322066 171900 149564 58943 2 0 26 97
BHIND (3772) 96 338999 145403 116815 41916 0 2 8 65
GOHAD (3773) 201 284724 157619 124564 46028 86 71 40 55
LAHAR (3774) 154 242740 134928 106002 40173 5 0 16 93
MEHGAON (3775) 203 360394 197661 162108 61789 17 0 23 73
RAON (3776) 64 135740 74069 60737 23966 102 0 17 20