Khadi, Village And Cottage Industries
State Name: SIKKIM (11) District Name: PAKYONG (741)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of HHDs engaged
in Bee keeping
No. of HHDs engaged
in Sericulture
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handloom
No. of HHDs engaged
in Handicrafts
Total Male Female
District Total 55 82941 42559 39601 17940 301 103 35 69
DUGA (6533) 8 6759 3468 3288 1922 1 60 0 0
NANDOK (2153) 2 3216 1618 1598 755 0 0 0 0
PAKYONG (2154) 18 33495 17722 15263 7126 244 28 12 54
PARKHA (7137) 8 7063 3375 3420 1435 17 5 21 13
REGHU (6537) 13 17477 8711 8766 3825 37 0 0 0
RHENOCK (6536) 6 14931 7665 7266 2877 2 10 2 2