Recreation & Sports
State Name: HIMACHAL PRADESH (2) District Name: KULLU (20)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
Availability of recreational
centre/Sports Playground etc.
Whether the
village has
children park
with required
Total Male Female Indoor Outdoor both None
District Total 487 450885 225066 224276 114457 3 106 14 364 22
ANNI (168) 37 64455 32514 31933 17678 1 17 4 15 1
BANJAR (169) 48 70969 35797 35135 17868 0 27 1 20 3
Bhunter (7507) 54 92290 45491 45659 22255 1 11 1 41 0
KULLU (170) 109 73480 36647 36539 17843 0 9 2 98 3
NAGGAR (171) 202 88240 43839 44358 22540 1 34 6 161 14
NIRMAND (172) 37 61451 30778 30652 16273 0 8 0 29 1