State Name: MADHYA PRADESH (23) District Name: BALAGHAT (392)
Block Name | No. Of Villages Where Survey Completed |
Population | Total Household |
No. of HHDs in village with kutcha wall/roof |
No. of HHDs in the village who have got a PMAY/State specific housing scheme House |
No. of HHDs who are in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY/State specific housing schemes |
Total | Male | Female | Completed | Sanctioned | |||||
District Total | 1252 | 1957300 | 955076 | 893904 | 393051 | 146016 | 156915 | 117652 | 96519 |
BAIHAR (3744) | 133 | 117893 | 57498 | 59245 | 25974 | 14145 | 9489 | 6589 | 4515 |
BALAGHAT (3745) | 154 | 216124 | 105692 | 108860 | 46500 | 14830 | 16683 | 11984 | 9058 |
BIRSA (3746) | 146 | 156817 | 76601 | 78014 | 36180 | 18279 | 12173 | 10422 | 10832 |
KATANGI (3747) | 126 | 190335 | 94388 | 95031 | 44650 | 16385 | 16651 | 11406 | 10819 |
KHAIRLANJI (3748) | 82 | 172225 | 85698 | 84681 | 37366 | 13898 | 19416 | 14772 | 10824 |
KIRNAPUR (3749) | 134 | 214023 | 105477 | 106551 | 46365 | 10703 | 14744 | 11397 | 6740 |
LALBARRA (3750) | 109 | 202678 | 97013 | 101539 | 45436 | 16075 | 21370 | 17587 | 13948 |
LANJI (3751) | 130 | 227364 | 101644 | 101638 | 44220 | 13690 | 19602 | 14716 | 12384 |
PARASWADA (3752) | 161 | 223220 | 144708 | 69960 | 27500 | 12142 | 10722 | 7820 | 5825 |
WARASEONI (3753) | 77 | 236621 | 86357 | 88385 | 38860 | 15869 | 16065 | 10959 | 11574 |