Poverty Alleviation Programme
District Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of persons
currently are Job
Card Holders in
village under
No. of Persons
in the village
provided employment
in 2021-22
Total approved
Labour Budget
for the current
financial year
(FY 2022-23)
Total expenditure
approved under NRM in
the Labour Budget for
the current financial
year (FY 2022-23)
No. of
No. of SHGs under
or any other
state scheme
No. of
No. of SHGs in the
village those which
are federated into
Village Organisations
No. of HHDs
in the village
mobilized into
Producer Groups
No. of SHGs
from this
village which
accessed bank
No. of SHG
members engaged
in income
generation activities
in the village
No. of Joint
Trainings and
Meetings held
(SHG-PRI Convergence)
in 2021-22
Total Male Female
State Total 7361 12522384 6467293 5761380 2263471 1811549 1163193 13069712625 4033009882 40464 10489 212505 16044 32594 22957 83375 19070
ANANTNAG (1) 434 915917 473762 434368 161787 183438 119004 1167600913 402425823 4564 583 30528 2852 2967 2452 12170 1972
BUDGAM (2) 520 781668 408482 364942 137358 95603 56582 478058374 121683272 3550 665 24515 1637 3022 2304 9135 1449
BARAMULLA (3) 598 1177321 617323 551056 183942 133251 78997 736294007 201505323 5340 1320 31325 2736 4211 3209 10077 2906
DODA (4) 453 610726 320609 269520 109190 106646 93985 1863475515 499609643 1552 758 7071 674 1625 1056 2546 789
JAMMU (5) 889 1064454 548877 483487 213215 103059 42656 561973303 168208758 1760 581 10004 643 2536 1042 3805 675
KATHUA (7) 547 710219 374187 321097 130871 87836 50731 469127920 178595710 1675 669 6636 542 2114 1071 3427 710
KUPWARA (8) 513 1009337 511773 467072 148555 143977 108780 1225709293 345206049 4205 1271 22022 1524 3462 2453 9648 2301
POONCH (10) 280 671903 337767 305098 126451 129899 90782 414931507 173227189 978 274 2733 253 671 531 1565 410
PULWAMA (11) 324 533544 275641 257665 92720 68173 40920 355953241 117981908 1869 447 12949 819 781 833 4516 1270
RAJOURI (12) 464 977603 525980 435594 214339 173760 115297 1493042783 496346886 2097 907 3781 591 1577 901 1909 947
SRINAGAR (13) 26 54621 28757 25774 8816 4445 2504 19073847 11440317 249 17 961 101 62 209 680 180
UDHAMPUR (14) 413 593666 298020 269130 125227 88211 41600 594802585 140138920 3117 978 13304 796 3208 1853 5450 859
KISHTWAR (620) 200 294720 156260 137724 67239 64707 58596 1592069823 448443644 1036 286 4617 332 381 499 1577 471
RAMBAN (621) 172 410412 217947 191076 80558 67349 42146 290065992 127600334 600 92 2302 158 425 287 371 275
KULGAM (622) 275 463254 241853 217180 83068 97477 58886 443165733 201898375 1956 340 8618 494 976 1089 5073 1015
BANDIPORA (623) 190 555755 259673 227845 72797 56662 33879 249309525 75945615 921 215 7236 384 1017 465 1405 530
SAMBA (624) 376 307255 159590 145194 60915 34095 15799 182263460 58732535 2224 421 8566 569 1099 1189 3295 808
SHOPIAN (625) 222 297574 147259 140784 52836 37761 28101 329010269 93429890 720 110 3802 260 443 196 1423 294
GANDERBAL (626) 174 358737 186092 172411 57687 47072 30296 241929409 63696155 1188 247 9148 437 931 837 3293 554
REASI (627) 291 733698 377441 344363 135900 88128 53652 361855126 106893536 863 308 2387 242 1086 481 2010 655