Poverty Alleviation Programme
State Name: MEGHALAYA (17)
District Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of persons
currently are Job
Card Holders in
village under
No. of Persons
in the village
provided employment
in 2021-22
Total approved
Labour Budget
for the current
financial year
(FY 2022-23)
Total expenditure
approved under NRM in
the Labour Budget for
the current financial
year (FY 2022-23)
No. of
No. of SHGs under
or any other
state scheme
No. of
No. of SHGs in the
village those which
are federated into
Village Organisations
No. of HHDs
in the village
mobilized into
Producer Groups
No. of SHGs
from this
village which
accessed bank
No. of SHG
members engaged
in income
generation activities
in the village
No. of Joint
Trainings and
Meetings held
(SHG-PRI Convergence)
in 2021-22
Total Male Female
State Total 6457 3968221 1875794 1953181 691450 683243 516560 11134487691 3276324884 42714 7810 229318 21275 70910 12185 26565 14622
EAST GARO HILLS (273) 501 200719 90278 91352 34561 38816 34356 645638363 210669829 2615 530 15436 1220 3653 837 2063 745
EAST KHASI HILLS (274) 903 871477 390391 420238 166640 123027 98131 1688251184 349263546 6775 1499 51114 4421 20836 1878 3871 2396
WEST JAINTIA HILLS (275) 291 377138 182839 192588 60815 72874 54886 314640850 125294790 6396 1534 23862 3645 8366 1682 4485 1604
RI BHOI (276) 612 331126 163044 164819 62812 78487 61504 1343252050 668919903 4999 1170 25165 2592 7279 1637 3364 2066
SOUTH GARO HILLS (277) 754 189351 90525 93453 35404 38495 24370 621474307 97825539 1723 346 12730 906 6194 705 1505 847
WEST GARO HILLS (278) 1081 753567 350296 371150 115945 113239 85289 1359333740 295789535 5640 522 27940 1039 4012 1681 2455 907
WEST KHASI HILLS (279) 569 217946 107964 108696 35882 33741 29849 84723620 17707605 990 94 7536 732 1238 180 414 301
NORTH GARO HILLS (656) 566 209478 98490 102812 41081 39645 19718 1716848033 641371143 2674 485 12927 880 4921 550 3285 2041
EAST JAINTIA HILLS (657) 169 190266 90197 96438 32450 31948 26514 542670853 252313079 4624 785 13673 1942 2123 944 1592 736
SOUTH WEST KHASI HILLS (658) 311 256886 129443 126821 31621 26024 23782 356233387 92750078 1741 578 10687 982 4875 811 1459 1174
SOUTH WEST GARO HILLS (663) 503 221047 108970 110264 48540 55733 29987 1792308659 480762899 2870 143 16141 1627 4627 788 1548 1527
EASTERN WEST KHASI HILLS (740) 197 149220 73357 74550 25699 31214 28174 669112645 43656938 1667 124 12107 1289 2786 492 524 278