Poverty Alleviation Programme
State Name: UTTARAKHAND (5)
District Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of persons
currently are Job
Card Holders in
village under
No. of Persons
in the village
provided employment
in 2021-22
Total approved
Labour Budget
for the current
financial year
(FY 2022-23)
Total expenditure
approved under NRM in
the Labour Budget for
the current financial
year (FY 2022-23)
No. of
No. of SHGs under
or any other
state scheme
No. of
No. of SHGs in the
village those which
are federated into
Village Organisations
No. of HHDs
in the village
mobilized into
Producer Groups
No. of SHGs
from this
village which
accessed bank
No. of SHG
members engaged
in income
generation activities
in the village
No. of Joint
Trainings and
Meetings held
(SHG-PRI Convergence)
in 2021-22
Total Male Female
State Total 15787 7930343 3901999 3721642 1596463 1274893 802527 15459442023 4419447088 55988 20819 290997 26883 76698 21303 102561 66601
ALMORA (45) 2212 687355 316063 332353 134559 108688 67373 1323557604 404391213 4452 1989 20987 2364 8606 1264 7396 6574
BAGESHWAR (46) 847 261680 126855 131534 56831 59312 36492 924405409 271918292 1517 659 7585 582 2129 441 2455 2142
CHAMOLI (47) 1184 387948 191750 186732 85800 81206 67384 1522650956 556586707 5740 1681 20899 2408 5924 1688 8893 5848
CHAMPAWAT (48) 683 254544 130477 121209 54391 48546 31174 813707173 211786278 1972 792 9939 1131 2558 911 4140 2918
DEHRADUN (49) 645 842967 418347 372539 146192 85974 47520 777214635 144430412 4131 916 26376 2085 3761 1849 7032 5812
HARIDWAR (50) 544 1432113 719777 660659 262100 177760 62704 541649051 182914668 6284 2063 38858 2528 5766 1729 12653 2666
NAINITAL (51) 1025 604341 298616 275653 127488 67600 38021 797531388 94711449 5094 1788 27352 2989 7039 2833 9152 7867
PAURI GARHWAL (52) 3390 476622 225042 239066 115279 108262 87730 1876135127 561612469 5983 2378 23676 3021 6365 2209 8549 9991
PITHORAGARH (53) 1535 454325 229290 221082 104551 88437 63662 1032576139 330370644 3653 1550 16203 1912 3454 1721 8845 5369
RUDRA PRAYAG (54) 658 271228 132684 133190 60795 57779 41402 745545265 271109769 2129 1307 8531 1207 5341 844 3898 1789
TEHRI GARHWAL (55) 1786 675955 335046 334356 140170 152560 121407 2613062781 817448608 4177 1793 21633 2011 7725 1218 8207 3727
UDAM SINGH NAGAR (56) 611 1230369 603135 547013 228350 135533 57315 370962733 134347576 7398 2633 53902 2912 12476 3669 15823 6521
UTTAR KASHI (57) 667 350896 174917 166256 79957 103236 80343 2120443762 437819003 3458 1270 15056 1733 5554 927 5518 5377