Social Forestry
State Name: MEGHALAYA (17)
District Name No. Of
Population Total
Availability of
Non Timber Forest
Produce (NTFP) for
commercial extraction
No. of HHDs in the village where
more than 50% of their annual income
come from collection and sales of
Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP)
Total Male Female
State Total 6457 3968221 1875794 1953181 691450 1665 167 3473
EAST GARO HILLS (273) 501 200719 90278 91352 34561 323 36 1452
EAST KHASI HILLS (274) 903 871477 390391 420238 166640 203 8 102
WEST JAINTIA HILLS (275) 291 377138 182839 192588 60815 95 10 96
RI BHOI (276) 612 331126 163044 164819 62812 217 24 642
SOUTH GARO HILLS (277) 754 189351 90525 93453 35404 116 16 135
WEST GARO HILLS (278) 1081 753567 350296 371150 115945 234 12 194
WEST KHASI HILLS (279) 569 217946 107964 108696 35882 7 1 6
NORTH GARO HILLS (656) 566 209478 98490 102812 41081 264 14 21
EAST JAINTIA HILLS (657) 169 190266 90197 96438 32450 82 5 138
SOUTH WEST KHASI HILLS (658) 311 256886 129443 126821 31621 26 5 25
SOUTH WEST GARO HILLS (663) 503 221047 108970 110264 48540 70 31 322
EASTERN WEST KHASI HILLS (740) 197 149220 73357 74550 25699 28 5 340