Poverty Alleviation Programme
State Name: UTTARAKHAND (5) District Name: PAURI GARHWAL (52)
Block Name No. Of
Population Total
No. of persons
currently are Job
Card Holders in
village under
No. of Persons
in the village
provided employment
in 2021-22
Total approved
Labour Budget
for the current
financial year
(FY 2022-23)
Total expenditure
approved under NRM in
the Labour Budget for
the current financial
year (FY 2022-23)
No. of
No. of SHGs under
or any other
state scheme
No. of
No. of SHGs in the
village those which
are federated into
Village Organisations
No. of HHDs
in the village
mobilized into
Producer Groups
No. of SHGs
from this
village which
accessed bank
No. of SHG
members engaged
in income
generation activities
in the village
No. of Joint
Trainings and
Meetings held
(SHG-PRI Convergence)
in 2021-22
Total Male Female
District Total 3390 476622 225042 239066 115279 108262 87730 1876135127 561612469 5983 2378 23676 3021 6365 2209 8549 9991
BIRONKHAL (399) 253 35448 16414 18409 8584 7075 5990 73851337 27803025 315 75 1633 233 221 253 460 825
DUGGADA (400) 223 25385 12335 12995 5670 7188 6280 117397176 32284598 402 146 1680 282 238 241 1086 279
DWARIKHAL (401) 231 34683 16938 17247 8878 8367 6214 137129069 42418233 659 241 1977 234 488 151 903 1449
EKESHWAR (402) 281 25871 11874 13311 7227 6133 5306 141987570 41263149 257 91 1175 157 398 97 342 247
KALJIKHAL (403) 281 29882 13696 14486 10155 7812 6854 62215921 18107102 370 224 936 142 606 78 509 387
KHIRSU (404) 163 23620 10721 11940 5645 5163 4458 153707110 42920668 316 179 1031 145 544 122 584 281
KOT (405) 264 20219 9429 10288 6138 6720 4928 221955054 25120014 253 54 670 88 295 110 607 234
NAINIDANDA (406) 310 32247 15535 16259 7121 7710 6016 131138301 13326426 395 108 1861 152 190 83 240 1257
PABAU (407) 155 34605 16596 17686 8673 8112 6207 171346284 42576035 517 137 2476 285 1107 195 904 1045
PAURI (408) 208 26136 12288 12735 7002 5473 4449 61901023 24482839 290 122 1422 165 446 156 517 806
POKHRA (409) 139 24050 10775 10753 5150 5252 4013 130650963 74703085 278 95 1074 94 200 84 228 491
RIKHNIKHAL (410) 190 31276 14639 16428 7706 7046 5177 125780124 47486098 373 146 1481 230 205 47 710 861
THALISAIN (411) 217 66771 32215 32926 11482 11518 10356 134680771 49250648 683 302 3560 318 657 179 600 516
YAMKESHWAR (412) 240 39557 19116 19364 9115 9099 6475 153466370 60179843 418 165 1664 234 471 244 407 1157
ZAHRIKHAL (413) 235 26872 12471 14239 6733 5594 5007 58928054 19690706 457 293 1036 262 299 169 452 156